Well, we made it through week one! You've all earned a couple of days off. We will pick up with week two on Monday. Monday will also bring chapter 4 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (Ms. Franz and I have earned a couple of days off too!) Hang in there everybody - We've got this!!
Friday Update!
Friday update:
We miss all of your faces! So, Ms. Franz and I are coming up with a schedule so we can "meet" with each one of you using ZOOM - Just for fun and to say hi!! Each day Ms. Franz will meet with 5 kiddos for a bit and I'll meet with 5 kiddos for a bit. That way we should be able to talk to everybody in small groups in a week. ZOOM is pretty easy to use - when it's your kiddo's turn, we'll send you an email with the ZOOM link. Just click on it, and you're in! Be patient with us while we work the kinks out of the system - because there are always kinks!! Ms. Franz is working on a schedule as you read this. Well, provided you're reading this while she's ACTUALLY working on the list :)