Academic Supports
A Speech and Language Specialist serves students who have difficulties in articulation, fluency, voice, stuttering or hearing. Concerned parents or staff members may refer a child to the speech therapist for evaluation. Program participation is determined by parents and staff.
The learning handicapped student is a child achieving below his/her potential because of specific learning disabilities. This child may be served by one of two programs. If the child can be successful in the regular program with some support, she/he may be placed in the Resource Specialist program. If the child cannot be served within the regular classroom, he/she is referred for consideration of placement in a self-contained Special Day Class. Parents are involved in all phases of referral, assessment, and placement.
The Reading Lab is designed to help children who are having difficulty in reading. Reading Lab instruction is in addition to the reading time provided in the regular classroom. The Lab provides a personalized environment that involves the student in an ongoing instruction that is based on diagnosis, prescription and evaluation.